Zero Digital Gravity (2006)
"Zero Digital Gravity", is a 12-tune journey through many jazz flavors, from fusion to traditional with influences ranging from Mingus to Metheny with stabs at Dregs compositional fusion. The opening track, "Long Story Short", is a showcase. The beautiful piece combines acoustic guitar, piano, with the deep bass of the great guitar jazz masters from the 50's and 60's. "Evaporation" pushes our way some flavors of more classic jazz guitar phrasings. "Inertia" is a a compelling and moving jazz mover that, as the title suggests, tends to stay in motion. The title track, "Zero Digital Gravity", is a fusion-fest. Guitars move in several directions with the right-channel rock melodic Morse-ish guitar trading lines with the left-channel's traditionalist. The final track on the CD is the song, "Let it Fall". Whether he knows it or not, Pearlman can sing. His lower register vocals are nearly speaking, but when he sings the chorus he soars with strength, tone, and clarity. Well-rounded jazz CD from a mature and seasoned musician.